Etix Wireframes

I created conceptual wireframes for a dashboard and for the Etix print-at-home ticket. I worked with several stakeholders across the organization to gather requirements for the concepts.

Dashboard Wireframe

At the time, the landing page that venues accessed contained lists of links to different parts of the application. The goal for a dashboard concept was to put data and actions in front of venue owners and operators so that they didn't have to dig deeply into the application for things they accessed frequently.

Screenshot of Balsamiq wireframe for a dashboard
My concept for an Etix dashboard.

Print-at-home Ticket Wireframe

The original Etix print-at-home ticket provided users with a vertically oriented ticket on the left side of the printed page.

Screenshot of Etix print-at-home ticket with preview data
Original Etix print-at-home ticket with preview data.

This proved problematic for a few reasons. First, pages would sometimes print with premature page breaks, causing the ticket to span 2 pieces of paper. Second, ticket scanning staff members observed that customers often folded tickets in half vertically for easier storage, which caused the barcode to be on the "back side" of the folder paper. To tackle these two issues, I created a concept for our print-at-home ticket that would be less likely to print across 2 pages and also ensured the barcode was in the top quarter of the page.

Screenshot of Balsamiq wireframe for a print-at-home ticket
My concept for a new print-at-home ticket design.